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PJ, and Others subject on cigarettes

16 years ago

PJ Your right about the drama queen bit and some drama kings are out there. I cannot stand to hear someone say, WELL they just have to live with it I'm going to smoke rather they like it or not.

I've always respected others in this matter.

I fully understand a non smoker not wanting to have to be closed in having to smell the stink. Yep They stink to me too sometimes to bad it's not enough to make me quit :(

When I did stop for a month I could not stand to smell it.

If you can look over a chart you'll see it right there with street drug use and they ask if you do street drugs. That is what this world has come too. I can understand them needing to know if you use street drugs because this affect the drug treatment they might need and the drugs having a bad effect.

Insurance companies have made it so that companies cannot get coverage if they let people smoke inside or even outside the building.

My BIG GRIPE is why do they not do a dang thing about the drunk drivers killing people on the road. Why do they not close down all the bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. They know good and well that they are going to get into their car and drive. It's all money if they did that then the economy would be in a world of hurt.

I'm not killing anyone by smoking but myself key word self and I'm not happy about it, I'm not saying this is good it's just a fact that I started smoking at 14 and YES if I could go back and never ever picked up one and started I would love to but we know that can't happen. I get dirty looks from people, ugly comments. There wasn't many family members that didn't smoke. I don't know if it has a factor or not, I know of non smoking parents that their kids picked up smoking. Then I know of smoking parents who's kids can't stand smoke.

Maybe a power pray for me to stop might help, it sure wouldn't hurt.

Ok, I'm stepping off my soap box

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