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When I retire...

15 years ago

I'm going to get up every morning and take a walk around the garden with my coffee in my hand and enjoy it even in the winter. Unlike now when I make the coffee in the microwave and take it to the bathroom with me and drink it while I dry my hair and dress for work.

I'm going to sit on the porch swing and listen to the birds sing every day, and on rainy days just watch the rain fall. Unlike now when I rush to work, sit on the computer for hours and hop whenever someone needs something, answer the phone, answer the e-mails, read the instructions and write the reports.

I'm going to keep my house clean (well, cleaner than it is now) and take a nap in the afternoons. Then I'm going to walk in the garden again and tidy up an area every day, making it look the way it was intended to look when I first built it. Unlike now when I spend a significant amount of time every day filing stuff and have to tidy up my desk just to find some things. And I have a cup of coffee in the afternoons so I can stay awake through all the boring meetings.

I'm going to enjoy my home and gardens that I have spent years arranging just the way I want them, and I'm never going to think about this cubby-hole of an office again. I'm going to see the daylight every day and I will never spend another 8-hour day in a room with no windows for the rest of my life.


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