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Fall Swap 2011 Thank you!

Thank you, Charlene, for once again being such a gracious swap hostess. I enjoyed the tour of your veggie garden, and it's amazing to see how much you've accomplished there and all around the yard since our first swap there four years ago! Loved seeing your (legal) rain water harvesting system too! Next time I hope to see some things going in on the "shade end!" Maybe you can request some shade plants at next year's swaps to give you a start!

And thank you, Karen, for your "couple hundred" daylilies again this time! I almost fell over when I saw your 3-deep truck full!!! I'm sure there were a bunch of happy campers---daylily campers---heading home after the swap! I'm not sure how, but I wound up with ELEVEN of them, and now I'm in the process of deciding which ones--four I think!--I'm gonna keep for me, and the rest will go to neighbors---which will make for some more Happy Daylily Campers!!! I, and I'm sure we all, very much appreciate your generosity at the swaps.

Amy, thank you, thank you, thank you! Most of you don't know it, but Amy brought me a couple "surprises!" I got a new start of Campanula persicifolia, peachleaf bellflower, which I've given away at a few of the swaps---but mine had abruptly died last fall, and a start for each of the Campanula 'White Clips' and 'Blue Clips', which I've been looking for for a couple years now! Totally unexpected, and much fun to get a surprise!

Since so much of my stuff this time was very recently potted up, everyone, please, please let me know if you have any questions at all about how to take care of them till they can be planted out in the ground. Email me if you already have my address, or PM me thru GW if you don't have it yet--or just post here! I truly do want you all to succeed with the plants you get from me.

And, thank you everyone for the plants you brought that I either had dibs on or that I got in the first two rounds of picking or in the free-for-all in the end! Now on to the fun job of finding somewhere to plant everything!

It was nice to see you all again, and..........

Is it spring yet???


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