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HAVE: 2 Roses: 1 Henri Martin, 1 Unknown Pink - (One trade in S

17 years ago

I have two roses for one trade: They are three-year old roses in pots. They are both expected to bloom in the summer of 2007, and are ready to plant directly in the ground - they've already had their time getting to size in pots.


one Henri Martin (Red Moss)

Violet-reddish-pink, once blooming moss rose

Bred in 1862 in France by Jean Laffay

Henri Martin at HelpMeFind Roses link

Extremely disease resistant for me


One Unknown Pink Rose, unknown variety, old fashioned once blooming rose.

Established plants are very drought tolerant

Has very long-lived roots.

Not a Banshee, doesn't have the acorn-style hips.


I would like either a daylily or another rose in trade.

Especially interested in

Metallic Butterfly (single fan)

William Steen (double fan)

Madly Red (double fan)

Big Hair (single fan)

Alexa Kathryn (double fan)

Believe in Magic (single fan)

JT Davis (single fan)

Awesome Blossom (double fan)

Elegant Candy (double fan)


Or I'd like another OGR that I don't have:

John Grow

Laneii (Lane's Moss)

any miniature Spinossima or Scotch Rose

Harrison's Yellow

Princess Alice (a moss)

General Kleber (a moss)

Apple Jack (Griffith Buck)

White Cap



Or anything interesting and drought-tolerant. I have lots of sandy soil, and the occasional drought. I'm interested in gilded daylilies, random OGRs, and the Buck or Brownell roses (they do well for me). I'm not fond of cactuses or rugosas.


I could trade in April, May, or early June with the two roses listed above.

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