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So many vegetable garden woes

13 years ago

I am nearly ready to hang up my spade and clean the dirt from my nails for good. I have had several issues this year thus far and sadly I am half way into the season with very very little to show for it.

I had dh increase the size of my garden with a tractor lifting the sod and then tilling the soil. As I understand it this is the cause of my first problem being wireworm?? Rotten seeds and very small white things inside the rotten seeds. We also have gotten huge huge amounts of rain this year with very little sun.

I have had to plant my garden in one way or another three times now but what is causing my head to throb currently is what has come up through the soil is being eaten.

My bush beans are missing all or most of their leaves. The peas have munches taken from nearly all the leaves however most didn't even come up this year. My corn is MIA twice. The beans and peas are the most affected but there are some other weeds that are being eaten although not to the same extent.

I've read that the cause of pests is the direct result of poor soil. After dh scraped and tilled the soil I added a peat, manure, soil mixture by the truckful and tilled it again. I have been finding very dark caterpillar type worms? in the soil. The caterpillar is always in a "C" shape. I cannot find anything on google that tells me if this is a good pest or bad pest.

Can you help me determine what the "C" shape caterpillar is and if he's good or bad AND what i can do to help improve my soil?


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