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Little white bugs...

I wouldn't know a whitefly if it hit me in the face. Or spider mites. Or mealybugs.
I thought I knew aphids because of my roses but apparently they come in all shapes and colors -- and molt their outer layers. Yuck. my neverending search for bugs since learning what I saw were aphid skin cells, lol, I found one actual bug on the leaves of my Croton, which was right next to the Clivia -- which had more than the Croton. I found one more on a crassula next to it, but none on the Adenium, which is next to the crassula.

Are these aphids? They don't look like aphids -- they're even smaller, but what do I know?

Really lttle white critters....and if I had not been peering in and watching, I would have thought it to be dust. They do, however, crawl around and are quite speedy, if that helps.

I know the pictures aren't great, but it was the best I could do with my phone.
I'd love to know what these are so I can handle spray down the building or bathe in some solution!!

For now, they've been showered off in a sink and waiting.


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