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Fall Garden Time

For all the new gardeners it's time to start planting the fall garden you can get fresh veggies before frost start planting Beans , Beets , Radishes , Turnips I start my own plants so I do Cabbage & Broccoli by September 1st I plant some lettuce and spinach I try and get a row of spinach up with the second set of leaves on it by the end of Oct. and then cover it with mulch and then in the spring pull the mulch back and bam you have the first salad one year I was laid up and couldn't cover the spinach it survived all winter and I still had early greens I'm lucky I have a local hardware store that still sells bulk seeds and all I have to do is ask and they take me to the store room because they've moved the bulk bin off the sales floor I may not get what I want but they have a lot left now I plan ahead and order my fall seeds with my spring order from my favorite seed co. just check the frost date and the days to maturity on what you want to grow to figure when to plant I'm 40 miles west of St.Louis and I always try and stretch it but Oct 10 is the norm here . fall is just a second spring for my garden it keeps me young

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