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Calling (most) of my fall garden quits

15 years ago

I'm really bummed, y'all.

I had 16 radishes, 12 lettuce plants, 6 spinach, 6 broccoli, and 36 carrots started in my SFG. Except for 2 of the broccoli and a few of the little weedlings, everything else has been eaten up.

The radishes may still make, but the leaves look like swiss cheese. I can hardly even tell where the other plants were. :(

I had such high hopes for the radishes and carrots -- the last time I planted them in the SFG, they were stunted by dirt that was too compacted. This time, it's half dirt, half compost.

I have some other things started that will be in pots on the back deck -- I'll have to get my enjoyment from them, I guess.

Commiseration and sympathy appreciated.

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