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kt, questions on your plant list

Hi kt,

Loved your plant list on the Shopping post. I was wondering if you are making changes in your garden after the trips you made in the spring, or are you working on a special project? Using them all together, or adding them here and there?

I really didn't realize that Avant Gardens had so many evergreens. I had thought of them as a great place to get unusual annuals and tender perennials. I definitely will have to get out there at some point. You are so smart to get them this time of year while they are on sale.

I looked up some of the mini evergreens and they are so cute. I have always loved hinoki cypress. And a Chinese Fir that is only 12ftx8ft in 10 years, is great for someone with a small space. I am sadly in need of more evergreens, but I just have the hardest time placing them in a way that pleases me. I don't know why.

I have seen that Ilex Jersey Pinnacle and wish that hollies did better for me. I like nice dark hollies and if they are upright to boot, I could think of a few places I would enjoy it. I added a couple of hollies about 3 years ago and they have just sat there and did nothing. I think they may be in too much shade.

That variegated climbing Hydrangea is really different. You will have to let us know how it performs. I thought they were usually very slow growing, I can't imagine it being 'more' slow growing. [g] That could be a real advantage actually, since they get so large.

I wish, wish I had room for that Magnolia. I just love them and I would need the most cold hardy. I thought I bought that Sedum Lidakense, last year, but I couldn't find it in my garden this year. Very pretty coloring.

All of your sedum purchases, remind me of a cover photo on one of the major gardening magazines last year, of a stone wall planted with sedums all along the top. All different shades some in bloom, it was gorgeous.

It's so funny to see a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana in a minature size, aren't they usually huge?

Sounds like you had a great time. :-) I hope you will take photos when you get them all in the ground. Would love to see them.

Thanks kt :-)

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