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UMass Extension Landscape Message August 22, 2014

UMass Extension Landscape Message August 22, 2014

"In the last Landscape Message, I reported damage to Echinacea flowers by the sunflower moth caterpillars, Homoeosoma electellum. Since then, I have also observed sunflower moth caterpillar damaged flowers on Rudbeckia fulgida and Heliopsis 'Summer Sun'. I have also found damage to Echinacea plants at two retail locations. If the centers (cones) of Echinacea and Heliopsis flowers are looking messy, and turning a frazzled brownish-black, break open the center and you might find a small caterpillar, or two, inside. The sunflower moths lay eggs which hatch into caterpillars which burrow into the cone and feed. Flowers do not last as long and seed heads are not formed, overall creating an unattractive flower."

- Deborah Swanson, UMass Extension Horticulturist for Plymouth County - Retired, reporting from Hanson.

Sunflower Moth
