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NW Flower & Garden Show: what did you think, what did you buy?

17 years ago

Hi everyone,

So, who else went and what did you think/buy? I attend about every third year and decided since I work downtown I would buy a late-day ticket last night (Wednesday) and enjoy the show with smaller crowds than a weekend, or even weekday. I went after work and was still able to enjoy over four hours of time there.

I really liked the displays this year. Some years they can be too slapstick for my taste, and these were (generally) more sensible to my eyes, and more applicable than some years. I love that people have dropped the irritating habit of mixing spring-bloomers and autumn bloomers in the landscapes: I always see newer gardeners getting confused by autumn blooming perennial asters mixed in with daffodils, etc. Over all, I liked the displays.

I didn't go too crazy with plant purchases: some nice atrociously orange and pink dahlias of various sizes, "mouse plant" (Arisarum proboscideum), the variegated-leaf acanthus that I've been covetting for awhile, huge-growing varieties of red-hot pokers (Kniphofia, again in tacky orange), gas plant (Dictamnus alba), and an awesome red-charcoal large-growing hybrid Euphorbia (I have a lot of red foliaged types but this one gets nice and large).

I tried to limit myself to an amount I could (barely) carry, and tried to avoid things I could just get from local nurseries on the weekend.

What about you? What did you think? What, if anything, did you purchase?

If you attend, I hope you enjoy.

Take care,

Grant (not checking the "please email me copies of replies" on this one) :)

Here is a link that might be useful: Link to pics/info of mouse plant (does great in Seattle area)

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