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Help me pick natives for this spot

13 years ago

Looking for advice on what to plant in a particular area this spring (pic below). The area is the patch of grass on the path leading up to the driveway.

I've had some drainage issues with sand from the patio washing away whenever it rained, so I planted sod there last summer as a temporary fix. Now that that's established, I want to integrate plugs this spring so they'll eventually take over the area.

It was built to be driveable, but I haven't driven on it in over a year and don't plan to. My first though was some Anemone canadensis with some low growing native grasses and sedges mixed in. I'm sure this will include random low-growing flowers I pick up at native plant sales as well.

The area gets full sun in the morning to early afternoon and then shade later on. I would like it to take water in heavy rains. To prep it last year, I dug down about a foot, added a layer of gravel and filled the rest in with topsoil and organic mulch/compost. As with any of my landscaping, the goals are native and beneficial to wildlife. Thanks for any suggestions. (the pics, in order, are of this May, Sept, then Dec).

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