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How close can I plant my tomatoes in really wide deep bed?

12 years ago

I marked off 2-ft spacing (all indeterminate except a dozen Glacier), I'd really love to cut it down to 18" so I can fit 60 along the remesh fence and just tie/clip them to the fence - my soil isn't really rich, Medium High in OM and Nitrate, Medium in ammonium, High in P,K,Ca and Very High in Mg, pH 6.8. The bed is over 2 ft deep/high (it's on ledge), sandy loam, and a good 2ft wide (wider in places) - think that will give them enough room even at 18" spacing? Should I add more aged manure in the holes when I plant, maybe even top-dress as needed? I don't want to overdo the N and end up with all foliage, no fruit, but I want to make sure they have enough room to grow too.

If I can fit my 60 indies in 1 bed, then I can put the Glaciers in the next bed over with peppers and pull them when they're done, gives me more room. Otherwise I've got to put 12 indies in the next bed over along with the Glaciers and peppers and weave them. I also have 3 eggplant to squeeze in.

Though I do have about 65ft at the end of my 2nd potato row that I limed the other day (pelletized fast-acting lime, but I don't really know how fast), it started at pH 5.0 so would that be OK for peppers if I have to stick to 2ft (or farther) spacing?

Peppers will have to wait since they're still not hardened off (insecticidal soap made them sunburn and they're still recovering), but I have to get these tomatoes and eggplant planted this weekend!

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