Alright, i have been lurking this forum for awhile and i have to say i have have fallen head over heels for it and the incredibly knowledgable people that post here.
My husband and I bought our first house this past fall and now have ample space to garden and we are building a greenhouse as well. I figure i'll have about a 1/4 acre to work (plus the grhse) once all is said and done. I've had small gardens in the city and am fairly knowledgable when it comes to the how-to, plus i read everything i can get my hands on, this past winter was long and i had lots of time to learn new things!
This set-up is really a dream for us, its totally small compared to what many of you are running on here, but after being crammed butt to butt with neighbors in the city it is most refreshing. Its like one of those things you're like, wow, never would've thought i'd be here if you would've asked me a year ago. Eventually, but not so soon. Anyhoo, things work a certain way and i see a good opportunity here, my head is just swirling with what i think is possible.
I guess what i would really love to do is to sell potted perennials, including culinary herbs that are both annual and perennial, fresh cut herbs, and possibly some garden surplus.
There is a small farmers market about 10 mi away and another larger one that is 30 mi away. The closer one is in a very, very small town but the market is very relaxed, $5 to set up a table and sell on Saturdays. The other, in a city of about 60,000, is $165 for the whole season (which is a good i think) that goes from end of April - Oct.
So i have the access to markets, and we have a truck i can use too, its just that i have never done anything on this land and would have loved to prep beds in the fall, but we moved here in November. I've started my seeds inside, built a really ghetto (but i'm too proud :) cold frame from things i've found and have been working non-stop on creating nice wide, deep, raised beds.
First and foremost i am focused on providing food for us but I've also always dreamt of making a go at selling things i grow. Plus i could prove wrong all the unsupportive people that tell me "that's just a hobby!". I still realize that i am pretty young and am trying not to want it all now; i know good things take time and a lot of hard work.
I have education in design and marketing and am drawn to that aspect too. So that, plus a love of plants and growing things plus living in a very rural area has brought me to the conclusion that i must market garden!
I'm sorry this is so long...I will get to my questions and any help or advice would be received with great thanks!
-What varieties of potted perennials have people had/seen the most success with?
I was thinking maybe daylilies, columbine?
How about for herbs? Potted basil, dill, or do perennials like oregano, chives, thyme, mint, etc go over better?
Also, anyone have any experience with potted medicinals like comfrey, calendula, st john's wort, the list goes on forever...
And i love the idea of giving recipes and uses for plants to my would-be customers, i think that would be great. Plus, just making accessible for people the fresh, healthy things to eat/grow/use that are grown with no pesticides, ahh, its what i want to do!
Basically there are so many things to grow, now that i have more space its like, whoa, free reign. I am getting through Growing and Selling Fresh Cut Herbs by Sandie Shores right now and its very helpful. I was just looking for some advice from people who know the market scene and what is well-received. I know different things are popular in different areas but any advice or observances are much welcomed.
Ok, thank you anyone who's made it to the end and for all the wonderful things i've read on here thus far!
veggiechicaOriginal Author
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