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Sauerkraut question

15 years ago

I bought a picklemeister a while back and have only attempted one batch of kraut so far. Instructions say to let sit for 4 or 5 days and then refrigerate. I left mine to until the 8 day mark and while it wasnt a complete failure and was edible, it just didnt have the texture or complete sourness of kraut. Because of household temp being 78 to 80 degrees I am using a cooler and change out an ice block twice a day to maintain a temp of around 70. I have read that kraut at that temp range should take more like 4 weeks versus the 4 or 5 days that were instructed. I started another batch on Sunday and today is the 3rd day, and while I dont see a lot of bubbling there has been some liquid pushed out of the airlock over the past three days. I want to leave it long enough to have a better result than last time but dont want to leave it too long. Your thoughts?

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