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question about corn...

so, i grew up in the heart of corn country; my dad raised plenty of corn. but, i don't remember much about the stuff. it's funny how something totally common gets no attention.

i have waist-high (about 40") silver queen corn. planted it a month ago. growing well, despite some insect damage. organic, with the exception of a little handful of 10-10-10 early on, when it seemed to be struggling.

i went out today, and it looks like it's blooming (sending out inflorescences).

ok, my confusion is: should it be blooming while it's so short? and in just 30 days from planting? it's supposed to get 7' tall... it'll just keep growing, right, and sending out new ears along the stalk?

or is it stunted, and struggling, and it's blooming in response to stress (like my orchids)?

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