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Buying Black Currants - Have ideas; Anyone want to share theirs?

I'm going to be purchasing 30 pounds of fresh Black Currants, Blueberries, and Raspberries. I know these are all wonderful berries -- full of antioxidants and other healthful benefits. I plan on bagging and freezing lots of the berries (I've already done so with 25 pounds of Blueberries: 1 Cupfuls in ziplock freezer bags -- ready to make muffins, put into Vitamix smoothies, or use other ways) I'll do something similar with the Raspberries and Black Currants. And I'll probably make more jams and make/freeze some pies and other baked goods.

I haven't made Black Currant jam yet. Has anyone made anything with Black Currants? I'd love to hear your experiences.

Thanks. Kathy in Washington

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