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Question About Soil For Building Daylily Beds

I am putting in some new beds, edging with metal. I will be putting in quite a few daylilies, roses and am doing raised beds. I have killed the grass and now need to start building the beds. I have put down a layer of well rotted horse compost [I raise horses so have plenty of it] and plan to top that with composted chopped leaves. I have some rotted mushroom compost. I would like to know what other kind of soil I should incorporate - there is a local nursery who can mix topsoil, sand, fine bark to make a mix, and I can get bags of soil from Lowe's. I would appreciate any thoughts as to what would make the best mix for daylilies. I have some beautiful ones in pots that are growing well and I dont want to put them in soil they wont thrive in. At another home, I used to have raised beds 3 landscape timbers high filled with nothing but mushroom compost and they thrived beautifully. Want to get these beds just right, and would really appreciate any ideas on how I should mix the soil. Thanks!


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