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Transition to Fall Garden

11 years ago

Hi there! I'm new on the forum...don't have much experience with forums in general, so any suggestions would be welcome. I've container-gardened on my patio for years, but this summer finally jumped into raised-bed gardening with both feet. I have a 4X10 veggie bed and a 4x4 herb bed...organic. I'm in Jacksonville.

So that's me. My question (to which I haven't found a definitive answer online or in any of the books I've read) has two related parts:

1) Will my heirloom (Cherokee, I think) tomatoes fruit again when the weather cools off or should I just consider them done and pull them out? They're looking pretty done except that near the top there's new growth, including some flowers.

2) Same for the strawberries. My four (new) plants went great guns for a few weeks, then fruit got smaller, then nothing. Some sources say they're annuals and to pull them out; some sources say that in FL (even NE) they can be perennials and to leave them in.

Thanks for the help!

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