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Friday & Saturday - new and repeats.....again.

11 years ago

Friday's heat and humidity was enough to put me in hidding for the day. Ventured out to take pics and then stayed in and just relaxed. Today we got a much needed storm - can you imagine being grateful for a thunderstorm? But after the storm, the heat and humidity came back but now it appears the winds have shifted again and perhaps we are finally in a comfortable cool down. I haven't live headed or dead headed for a couple days. Here are some pics of new ones blooming and some repeats.

ANGELS IN WAITING - a workhorse here and so many scapes and buds.

ESPRIIT DE CORP - I've not seen it bloom this way before. It bloomed as a bicolor. Blooms are small this year but the scapes seem to be the same as last year.

JERSEY SPIDER - Always a large bloom and many scapes and buds. A winner.

LIGHT OPERA - Blooms are very small this year and seem to be having trouble opening. Not the 5" registered but more like 3.5" this year.

MARGO REED INDEED - new here this year. Short scape but I expect that on a first season. Lovely large bloom.

ONLY IN DREAMS - new this year. Short scapes but again, first season here.

PEACH MAGNOLIA - excellent opening and good scape height. Full of scapes and buds.

RAINBOW'S GLORY - a bit disappointing on the opening. Scape is a bit short too. I moved this last year to the new bed and perhaps I set it back. We shall see what the other blooms look like.



EGGPLANT ECSTASY - always a trooper here.

CAPE ROMAIN HARBOR - not sure if I showed this one before. Many scapes and buds.

UP MILL CREEK - another one that has alot of scapes and buds. Cape Romain Harbor is pictured with it.

and since I haven't been able to catch a pic of our hummingbirds, I'll instead show the Hummingbird Moth.

He/she loves the bee balm.



Time to read the posts and get caught up. Weather forecast this week has our daytime in the 80's and nights in the 50's and no humidity. Still need more rain though.


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