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I need help with selecting my 1st ornamental grass for my areas

11 years ago

Hi everyone: I am new here on ornamental grasses but a frequent poster in the Hosta Forum. I have over the years had a genuine interest in ornamental grasses but have been frustrated. My problems have been with hardiness and water requirements - I think!

I live just far enough south and west of Chicago to not share much in the way of weather with the city. I have to think in terms of Z5-Z6. I would like to have some form of ornamental grasses as accent plants in either my shaded hosta beds or direct sun areas. I prefer them to any form of shrub. So I like bulky grasses, either in high mound or tall fountain form. I like the grasses with large flower heads or nodding heads depending on form.

My problem has always been with hardiness and water requirements. I have bought perennial grasses that have not survived winters or some of the hot dry summers either here in Illinois or in northern Arkansas where I have lived prior to here.

So I would like to be given suggestions by you grass experts on what you would suggest I try in-

a) my shaded hosta beds as accents,and

b) as accents in my sunny garden locations.

My soil drains very nicely, being not heavy with clay, but it is not sandy. My fines giving it tilthe is ground coal. Just about everything I have grown has grown well withought heavy fertilization. Along one fence line heavilyy shaded by a huge Silver Maple I have sea oats growing unaided but they do not satisfy my garden requirements.

I'll lurk a bit and listen, and will answer any questions you might have, since I don't think I may have given enough information.

Thanks in advance.


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