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fawnridge (Ricky)
15 years ago

Nah, we don't make it look easy. It really is! I only hope the five or six people who said, "I'm going to have a swap at my house." really go through with it. Pamela, my offer to cook pulled pork if you have one, still stands.

Well, now that everything is in the ground and the trashman has removed any evidence from the scene of the crime, I can sit back and analyze the day, hopefully finding a few things that can make our next swap and yours even better.

Some things to consider:

Chips and dips - We quickly reached a point where we had enough bags of chips to fill the shelves at our local Publix. We may have to run a lottery to see who gets the chance to bring the bag and a half we actually ate for next year. Likewise for the bean dips. I think we have one more night of ladleing them out to the homeless and the last four gallon bowl will be empty.

Arrival time - The earlier the better. Foolish me to believe it would still be cool here on the first Sunday in May. Even the breeze wouldn't blow for us. Our next swap - Oct. 26th - will be 9am as well but come at 8am if you can. We're up, the sun's up, why wait?

The educational session - Gosh, I wish more people stayed for it. Perhaps doing it before lunch? And I'm gonna turn this over to someone else from now on; not that I don't enjoy talking, but...

Spending time with everyone - This is the hardest thing to do. I'd like to take each one you, individually, and walk you through the garden and discuss every single plant. Let's be honest, that's why we do this - to show off our handiwork! I did get to do this on a limited basis with the class after lunch, but it was over too soon and I know I missed a few plants in the process.

I never imagined a plant swap when I lived in New Jersey, but then again, I wasn't the gardener I am now. If gardening is to have a sport, perhaps we'll call them swaps. Thanks again to everyone who made this one of the best days of the year for us. See you all soon.

Comments (19)

  • katkin_gw
    15 years ago

    I really would have loved to stay for the lecture and tour. I love your garden, and love to hear about your plants. But I am almost 2 hrs away, and have a little dog that I couldn't get any one to let out for me this time. As it was he was not out for over 7 hrs. I see in your pictures you planted the crinkle fern, I just love that one myself. I doesn't really get any taller only wider. :o) And that bromeliad is rare and very differnt. I think you'll love it when it gets bigger.

  • Randy Ritchie
    15 years ago

    Ricky et al,

    As most people know now, I'm renting (transient cruisers that we are), so don't have any gardens to show off. There are photos of my modest, landscape-challenged digs on Flickr, which some have already viewed. Also, I may be a bit challenged to keep up with Ricky on the energy level (no snickering now guys!)

    That said, I can provide a sunny backyard (we would definitely need shade tents!) on a canal, for those who want to wet a line. The house is modest, but we *do* have a kitchen plus a fair-sized barbecue grill with one side burner for cooking outdoors. There's generally a nice breeze on the canal too. The house is tiny, so we'd pretty much be relegated to outdoors here, without even a garage for shelter from the rain, only whatever tents some might want to bring.

    Tents with poles that stick into the ground wouldn't be a problem here for shade. Those who have pets they must go home to could bring them on leash (dare I say please leave dog-fights at home?). I have a cat who is dog-friendly myself.

    Anyhow, it would be available, if it could help those with pets to come to an alternate location (we would NEVER want to spoil someone's yard or garden). As for any type of gardening education, we could always bring Ricky's Tyrrany of the Plants handout and do a mock makeover of this yard (tho it wouldn't ever REALLY happen!).

    That said, while we all have Ricky's garden plan up on a pedestel, I think we should not necessarily limit ourselves to a single venue. After all, the swap is about sharing, companionship, and gardening (not necessarily in that order!)

    Here is a link that might be useful: plants and digs

  • bihai
    15 years ago

    I'd love to be able to attend you guys Southern FL swaps because you and I grow the same types of plants even though I live in Gainesville where you consider it "cold". But its just too far for me to travel. I had 2 swaps at my house here in the past, but it really wasn't any fun for me because no one brings the types of plants I am interested in, because they don't grow most of what I grow. I had another friend here who had 3-4 swaps at her house and then decided the exact same thing as me. I'm sure it was a great day though.

  • joyful_garden
    15 years ago

    I would love to attend one too but my life is so hectic with 3 kids in sports and all. I think also for me, I have a source for almost ANYTHING I could ever want to grow. My mom has almost everything you could imagine and constantly gives me cuttings. I should take pics of her place. You guys would love it.

  • teka2rjleffel
    15 years ago

    Ricky and Karen, I so enjoyed the day. I got so much out of the educational session. I even sent a copy of the print out to my sister who will be starting a garden at her new home. She is in Maine, but the basics are the same everywhere I would assume. Thanks so much for your generosity. I came home looking at my garden and after being in yours I thought 'yee gads.' But now I have great ideas.

  • fawnridge (Ricky)
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Nancy - tell her to subsitute smaller trees for the palms, evergreens for the largest trees, and build a structure over the pool. Other than that, no changes in the overall design.

  • Randy Ritchie
    15 years ago

    Ricky - I also shared the handout from the education session with another group of gardening friends who I communicate with and swap plants with. Even though I'm not designing 'in the ground' here, I took away alot from your presentation. Thank you and Karen so much for the hospitality. (and your daughter is a hoot! loved her!)

  • nova_gw
    15 years ago

    As a "Swap Newbie", I have only hosted two, I would like to add my thoughts on having swaps -
    1. They are FUN, and after you have whipped your garden into shape the work is pretty much done. Everyone gets together and starts talking plants and the swap pretty much flows on it's own.
    2. Sometimes smaller is better. I had about 15 people at my swap this time and had time to meet and talk to everyone. I tried to organize a garden tour but only made it about a third of the way through before people started scattering but that was ok because I still had time to spend with individuals who had specific questions about plants in the garden.
    3. A cold lunch is good because everyone can snack or eat as the mood hits them. A dedicated spouse that likes to eat makes this easier. No offense, Ricky, I hope!
    4. If you are interested in a specific type of plant, think about holding a plant specific swap. I am looking forward to the "Rose Swap" in the fall.
    5. Remember, most of the people who attend your swap will be above average gardeners who will have a diversity of plants. None of the plants will be extremely rare or uncommon but will be new to you and your garden and probably give you much joy.
    6. Mostly, plant swaps are about meeting new friends and having someone look at your 6 inch tall plant that is your pride and joy and understand your excitement!

    We definitely need more swaps!


  • fawnridge (Ricky)
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    nova - No offense taken. I love to cook barbecue and Karen is the best cleanup staff anyone could ask for. By the way, we went through 10 pounds of pulled pork and 6 pounds of smoked brisket! I love to watch people eat the stuff I cook.

  • cdbinfl
    15 years ago

    Ricky/Karen and all,
    I thoroughly enjoyed the swap and continue to enjoy it everyday as I go out and water my new plants.

    I would someday like to host a swap here. I hosted a couple of Garden Web swaps while living in CT, even though, there we had it a State Park. I don't know why, but the people up there thought it was weird that I would have it at my house and thought that no one would come (Northerners!)

    And I have to say, Bihai, I had the same experience as you, most swappers did not grow Tropicals in CT. I had a greenhouse and being from Florida, kept my orchids and tropicals going all winter. I did meet one person who also enjoyed tropicals and had a pond so we sort of started our own private swaps.

    I have never volunteered to have a swap because I did not want to interfere with Ricky's swaps. But, anyway, if anyone is interested, I would be willing to have one in Jupiter. We live in the Farms where all the lots are at least 1.25 acres, so I have lots of room and lots of room for parking. The patio out back by the pool is large enough for a swap and we have a covered bamboo pavillion where we could set up food, drinks, etc. And Jupiter might be a little closer for folks farther north.

    Something to think about,


  • nytrinigemini
    15 years ago

    Ricky...I love your swaps....I wish I could have stayed for the lecture....especially after I read the handout....hubby and Mom both read through it too :-) You definitely made me do some thinking....and hubby trust your opinion so much we went to HD today and he was so mad he couldn't remember what kind of fertilizer you use :-) Your lecture has also made it to the bookshelf :-)

    Cherie.....DH LOVES the apple butter...he told me to make sure to tell you :-) I must say it is good :-) Oh and your house sounds lovely :-)

  • katkin_gw
    15 years ago

    Cherie, I'd come to your swap, I am dying to see your gardens. :o)

  • ariel73
    15 years ago

    I love swaps!!! But they are rarely in my area (tampa bay).
    It is hard for me to travel because I have 4 kids. And with all their activities I stay pretty busy.
    I would be happy to host a swap if enough people were interested. Or if anyone else in the area wanted to host a swap that would be fine too.


  • vaodiva
    15 years ago

    So is it getting too hot now to have a swap? Do we have to wait til the fall now? I was thinking of having one the end of the month, but it's getting hotter and hotter of late.

  • deeinflorida
    15 years ago

    I missed the one we had here a couple of weeks ago (Ocala area) and would love to go to one if anyone around here is interested in having one.

  • coffeemom
    15 years ago

    Last year we were At Cindee's, Treefrog's and Growgrow's for swaps or "playdates" Anyone can have one at any time.
    I had a small group of locals come over last year so I could force them to take my extra plants. They're on to me now so I need to expand.
    (I'd come up to Cherie's just for more of Gram's pickles!)

  • growgrow
    15 years ago

    Cherie, I would love to come to your swap.
    Tell grandma all her stuff is so Delicious, she has more loyal customers from now on in our house!

  • fawnridge (Ricky)
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Cherie - the more swaps the better! I'll make you the same offer I made to Pamela. Have a swap and I'll be glad to bring the pulled pork!

  • cdbinfl
    15 years ago

    It's A deal... stay tuned! I've got some clean-up to do and want to get the pond in first.

    FYI, for any of you that bought my Gram's canned goods and like to recycle, please hold on to the jars as she re-uses them.
