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Almost Eden 'Belle of India' Jasmine gamble

I noticed that Almost Eden (a wonderful mail order site for those who don't know) is offering two types of Jasminum sambac 'Belle of India'. The first is just labeled 'Belle of India' and the second is labeled 'Elongata Belle of India'.

My gamble is that the first Belle could be 'Mysore Mulli' and their 'Elongata' is probably the traditional Belle with elongated flower buds and petals that companies like Logee's and Pepper's Greenhouses offers.

I ordered Almost Eden's 'Belle of India' today and if it turns out to be the normal Belle and not 'Mysore Mulli' (yes I already have one small plant but I figure two in one pot wouldn't hurt) I'll just give the plant away as a gift. ;)

Hopefully the one I get in the mail will have buds/flowers which should tell me right away what kind I got. I might also be able to tell by the leaves (Mysore has more rounded leaves).

Wish me luck! :)


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