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I've now been in this house long enough to have made a bit of an impact on the yard - six years _ and many people here are to thank for that.

I have milk and wine crinums that were mailed to me as seed bulbs by a Gardenweber. No trade requested, which was generous of her and great for me because I didn't have anything to offer from my little barren bit of ground. She just wanted someone who would love them to have them. And she sent me enough that I gave a couple to a friend of mine. We both love them. They are huge now and blooming. I also have queen emma crinums I got at a swap. They haven't bloomed yet, but their purple straps are so pretty.

I have a pineapple that has made a pineapple, thanks to coffeemom, and several false roselles that self-seeded from a plant I got at a swap (three have gorgeous maroon leaves and pink flowers and an earlier one had green leaves and white flowers).

An amaryllis I got at a swap bloomed recently, prompting a friend visiting from DC to exclaim "Oh, you can grow Amaryllis in the ground down here!" She did visit on the day it was at its very finest.

My front yard is full of a gorgeous variety of broms, mostly from swaps (and from coffeemom, because I go shopping in her yard.)

I have a little geiger tree that hasn't bloomed yet, but hasn't died either, also from coffeemom after the first effort to transplant a 7-foot tree from her yard failed miserably.

There's a really pretty yellow plumeria out there too, along with a little gumbo limbo that has been hit by the new whitefly, but seems to be surviving and is going to be a great tree one day, hopefully by the time I have to take down the mahoganies that were planted under the power lines. Both from swaps. There are gloriosa lilies and rain lilies that make me happy simply because my grandmother grew them. Also from a swap. (I feel the same way about crinums because my grandmother loved them.)

And I've been eating pidgeon peas all winter from the tree that I thought was going to be a vine when a Gardenwebber gave me some seeds at a swap. It upended the tomato cage I planted it in - I had to get bolt cutters to cut the cage off of it. :)

The coffee plant is blooming and will have fruit for the birds soon. The walking lilies have walked around a back bed, making me happy wherever they pop up. An elephant ear back there is also moving around.

Several other things I've gotten from Gardenwebers are living and probably need to be moved. I haven't killed them yet.

And I've gotten such good advice here.

I'm sorry I don't remember who gave me some of my favorite plants, but thank you.

Looking around my yard, I see things that need to be done, but more and more I see things I'm glad I did, with your help.

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