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Tampa Swap---3 Week Reminder

12 years ago

It's looking good for the swap! Remember, the more people, the more plants! Spread the word to non-GWs.

I put up a large wooden sign on the main street near my home with the date and said details were here on GW. It lasted a couple weeks. It's now gone, not fallen over, gone.

Valkyrie-almost my whole yard is in shade, so we can talk, lol.

Newbies-here's the details again--

Calling it a "swap/trade" has given new people the wrong idea, it doesn't really work that way. We do not trade or swap a plant for a plant. If you have nothing to swap, you can still come. If you only have three things to get rid of, it is conceivable you could go home with a dozen things.

First what you have and are bringing, and are looking for. You can bring anything garden related-plants, cuttings, seeds, books, magazines, pots, tools, etc.

Read all the other posts in the thread and see what others have to offer. If you see something that you really want, set up that trade now, privately. Then that item will be earmarked for you and you can pick it up at the swap.

Pack up all your unwanted items even if you posted them on the exchange thread and no one asked for them. There will be non-Gardenweb people here who might want them and beginners who need everything who did not want to appear greedy by asking for all your stuff in the thread.

Between 9-10 am show up and unload your stuff. Find a spot in the back or front yard and put all your items down in that spot. Make sure all the plants have labels on them, even if it's nothing more than a marker on a leaf or a piece of tape on a cup. This is VERY important, no one remembers it all by the end of the day.

After you've unloaded and found your spot, wander around and look at what everyone else has brought. Eat. Drink. Socialize.

When everyone has arrived, we will then, one person at a time, go over our pile of giveaways and stuff. You will tell everyone what you brought, how to cultivate it, etc. If you want whatever is being talked about, raise your hand and it's yours. If more hands go up then there are items, rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors determines who gets it. This is why you might get more than you came with. Plus there are always items that no one wants, and new gardeners can clean up at the end.

After it's all done there will be more eating, drinking and socializing. Please bring something to eat or drink, I will supply cups and plates and such. I do not have enough tables for sitting, so make it finger foods you can grab and carry around. Bringing chairs can't hurt.

Feel free to invite non-Gardenwebbers you might know who would be interested. We need new people with new plants.

No KIDS OR PETS..I have an unscreened, rock edged pool that is not kid safe, and dogs that dislike other dogs. There will be cats underfoot as well.

If you need directions, email me privately (I will not post it publically) and I'll send it to you. I'm in NW Hillsborough right off the Veterans.

Can't wait to see you all again and meet those I don't know!


2009 swap pictures and Garden Pictures/Tampa Swap Spring 2009/

Here is a link that might be useful: 2011 Swap Photos

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