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Who's your current Public Enemy #1?

14 years ago

I have several that are doing damage in my garden:

Topping my list is slugs. I'm sure someone must have declared this The Year of the Slug. I'm baiting like crazy, scattering oat bran, you name it. I may have to resort to beer (for me, and maybe to lure the slugs, too).

I was fearing the slugs when I set out my sunflowers, forgetting about the rabbits. As a result, three have been chopped off. Worse, the Little Lamb hydrangea I planted with such care a few days ago has been chopped off, too.

One small insect, the Four-Lined Plant Bug, is doing a large amount of damage to my lettuces, shasta daisies, echinacea, and astilbe. I hate to spray, but I sprayed tonight. I even sprayed some of the comfrey and lemon balm--not to save them, but to knock off as many of the bugs as possible.

One interesting thing about these bugs, though, is that they're afraid of us (for good reason!). Most insects appear to be oblivious to our comings and goings, but the plant bugs will dive for cover when I approach.

Finally, I am at war with the Rose Slug, which has practically denuded my lovely William Baffin. Unfortunately, my offensive tactic is coming awfully late in the game.

Are you seeking out and destroying (or just fuming over) any enemies?

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