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Blue Eyed Daylilies still blooming

11 years ago

A lot of my blue-eyed daylilies are still blooming. Here are some of them.

JITTERBUG BLUES is a blue-eyed cultivar with great plant habits and lots of blooms. It opens with a denim blue eye and edge that fades during the day to look like this by afternoon.

JITTERBUG BLUES clump - Because JB opens later in the morning, I don't have as many good photos of it. The clump has been spectacular for a month, but getting a good photo of it has been a challenge. By evening the eyes don't look as "blue." A vigorous multiplier, with great branching and bud count, this Reilly cultivar should be grown by all fans of blue eyes.

TEXAS BLUE EYES - This Carpenter cultivar is my second best blue-eyed clump. It started out slow and wimpy the first three years, then multiplied like crazy last year to become a real focal point this year. It's hard to take a good clump shot because I've set so much seed on it. Too many mushies!

HOLOGRAM is my only later blooming blue eye. This is its first season here as an ML bloomer, and it's still in a pot.

ROYAL PASSION has a very blue eye on some mornings.

ASIAN FAIRY BLUEBIRD, while having a dropdead gorgeous blooms, continues to have wimpy plant habits and poorly budded scapes. It's done better with the number of blooms this year, only because the clump has so many wimpy fans. Only about half the fans put up scapes each year.

PRECIOUS CANDY always has perfect blooms, but is very slow to multiply for me. I've had it four years and still have only three fans.

DOUGLAS LYCETT is a Munson blue-eyed guy.

JENNY BUTTERFIELD - I took this photo a few days ago after a cool night. She's not usually so dark in color is my usual sweltering summer climate.


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