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Photos from My Previous Home

14 years ago

It was becoming dark so the photos are blends of the flash going off and on. Hell I tried everything I could to get a decent photo. Dax

Acer palmatum Seiryu (15-gal 2001) and Thuja occidentalis Malonyana (1-gal 2003):

Acer griseum from a 3-gallon pot planted 2001


Acer griseum trunk


Acer japonicum Acontifolium - 12 years old.

Juniperus pfitzeriana Daub's Frosted (1-gallon 2002) - Picea pungens Glauca Procumbens (1-gallon 2004 2 plants)- and Metasequoia glyptostroboides (5 month old seedling 2007):

Juniperus communis Gold Cone double leader (1-gal 2002)

Larix decidua Lanark (1-gal 2004 *large)

Metasequoia glyptostroboides (3'/1M tree planted 2001)


Metasequoia trunk (tree must be nearing 40 feet or 12 M)


Picea glauca Sander's Blue left (3-gal 2004) and Picea glauca Arneson's Blue Variegated (5-gal 2004) right.

Pinus ponderosa Morris WB (1-gal 2003 *large)

Pinus resinosa var. fastigiata (1-gal 2003 *large)

Pinus sylvestris Argentea Compacta (3-gal 2004)

Thuja occidentalis Malonyana (1-gal 2003 *large)


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