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Weeping white pine training questions

13 years ago

A weeping white pine (along with some mini conifers) seem to have followed me home this weekend. I've never grown a weeping pine before so I'd like to learn how to train it properly. I did try a search of the forum first but the search function didn't seem to work for me. Google turned up the instructions below. In your experience do they sound correct for a conifer newbie to follow? (I'm afraid I may have a new plant obsession to add to the list if this actually works) Thanks for your assistance, here's what I found:

Step 1

Cut away any damaged, broken, or diseased branches as soon as possible. Do this when the damage occurs. The tree does not have to be in its dormant state.

Step 2

Train a young weeping white pine to develop a central trunk by cutting off any low branches that develop at the trunk. Do not leave a stub as this lends itself to disease. This can be done in the winter when the tree is dormant.

Step 3

Trim back any long weeping branches that are getting close to the ground. You do not want the branches to grow along the ground as they will form a ground cover. Cut them back to above ground height. This can be done in the winter or in the early spring.

Step 4

Cut back branches if the tree is spreading beyond its boundaries within your landscape design. Cut back to a branch or to the main trunk. Do this in the winter or early spring.

Step 5

Trim back new growth by cutting back the new shoots (candles) to half their length. This can be done in spring after the candles appear. The candle should have completed its growth before you do the trimming--the needles will still be soft.

Oh, and one more question. Will the main trunk of this thing slowly keep growing taller over the years or do I need to try to train a branch upwards to continue the main trunk and then work to maintain it at it's desired height? So much to learn!!

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