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Some Citrus Photos on a Lovely S. California Fall Day

Okay, I promised MeyerMike I'd post up some photos of my kumquats, and I also thought I'd share my 3 new container citrus trees I finally all got potted up in 1/2 wine barrels, as well as dripped. Which makes it infinitely easier for me, as I don't have to rely on hand-watering them, which for me, can spell the demise of any of my container plants (with the exception of my succulents, lol!) Okay, so, the first few are of my kumquats I inherited when I purchased the house. They were not in good shape, so I dripped them, pruned them way back (they appeared dead for all intents and purposes), and they are now lovely little things. I did have to replace one, so I now have two Meiwa's and two Nagami's, which is fun.

These first four photos are the Nagami's, the fifth is the Meiwa:






Okay, so now, here is a lovely Bloomsweet grapefruit that is just getting too big for both the spot and for the pot:


And, as evidenced by when I pulled the pot over to the hand truck, to take it over to my parterre garden, where I am going to plant it in a very large 1/2 wine barrel. Mike, remember when I told you my sour oranges hand grown feeder roots out the pot hole? Oh my gosh! I'm so glad I decided to pot this tree up. It has only been in this pot for about 18 months!



So, it is now going to be a lot happier here:

Here is my Bearss lime, and as soon as it settles in, I'll start to tie it to the trellis and get the espalier going:


And, my lovely Italian Santa Teresa Feminnello lemon tree, also getting ready to be espaliered, after I pick the lemons:


Here is how I have them all dripped. I run the drip lines up through the bottom of the containers, through holes. I have the lines run through some 6" sprinkler risers that sit under the edge of the pots, so the lines can't get crimped or crushed. I have two lines, and a 180 degree sprinkling adjustable sprinking head that sits up next to the trunk, pointing outward. I just adjust the flow rate so I know it's going to get the tree sufficiently watered once a week:


And, a look at my mix. For these trees, I'm using MiracleGro Garden Soil (yes, that's right), along with small bark chips and perlite. Here's what the mix looks like:



This has served me very well, with zero issues. It should last several years without collapsing. Most like will need to either pot up, put in the ground, or root prune before I have to replace the potting mix. I will use my time release fertilizer in about a month, along with Foliage Pro, but at lesser amounts due to the MiracleGro already having some fertilizer in it.

Lastly, a really nice before and after story. This is my lovely Chironja orangelo, which at the time, was only propagated by one grower in S. California, and now, not propagated by anyone, due to the restrictions imposed on growers in California. So, getting this lovely cultivar was really a rare thing. In the getting of the tree down to me, it sat at a friend's place for a few weeks, and was being tended by someone who simply, well, wasn't tending it. This is how it came to me approximately 2 years ago. I thought it was a goner:


This is it, today:




And, same with my little Ortanique Tangor. It came at the same time with the Chironja, and in even worse shape:


Here it is today:


This cultivar blooms almost as frequently as my Meyer lemon. I have a whole new set of fruit coming on, yet again:


Thought you all would enjoy a few photos on our lovely, warm (82 degrees) S. California fall gardening day!

Patty S.

This post was edited by hoosierquilt on Sun, Nov 10, 13 at 17:44

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