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death by neem oil?

10 years ago

Ok so early friday morning I decided I'm going to spray some neem on my plants before heading away for the long weekend. I live in miami and it rained everyday that I was gone. Well, anyways I used the 70% neem oil concentrate and used about a teaspoon in a half gallon of water. I sprayed my avocado tree, an unknown citrus tree, navel orange tree, a valencia orange tree, and a eureka lemon tree which are all at least 4 feet high.

I also sprayed some of my smaller citrus tree. 2 persian lime trees and 2 key lime trees. Acalamando tree which is small was full of leaves and probably 50 fruits growing on it at all different stages. A meyer lemon and key lime tree (are potted together from the nursury) that were both fruiting and had recent new growth on them.
I neemed the plants at 730 AM on friday and when i got back sunday afternoon i noticed a bunch of citrus leaves around the pots.

The Meyer lemon and key lime new growth leaves have turned a darker yellow and are falling at a rapid rate. Some remain green but its scary to see how the slightest touch will make the leaves drop. The calamondin tree is also dropping leaves but holding on to all its fruit. The leaves on the calamondin are still darker green but splotchy yellow marks are on them. The avocado tree also has some burnt leaves and has dropped some leaves but not like the citrus.

So to wrap it up I am assuming I burned my plants with neem oil and now the leaves are falling off? The leaves will fall to the slightest touch yet do not appear burnt just more yellow or green with yellow blotches. When the leaves fall they leave the stem attached the branch.

Thankfully most of the other plants are doing just fine but the ones affected are worrying me. I'm pissed at myself for being the cause of death of the plants i been able to grow healthy up until now..

does this sound like typical neem oil burn to you guys? it also rained a lot this weekend and keep reading these symptoms could be from over watering. I still think its the neem that did it cause of the miami humidity but the damage is pretty overwhelming with the leaves not displaying any burn marks.

Anyways sorry to rant just felt like posting on here as some of you may have gone through something similar. I want to stop my beautiful leaves from falling off and will do anything to reverse this but i fear doing nothing is exactly what will be needed. ;[

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