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Look what followed me home today :)

Well the morning started out overcast and coolish so we decided to wander off down island for a drive, we stopped at a road side farm market and picked up some freshly picked corn for dinner.

On the way home the truck turned off the highway (it has a mind of it's own ya know) it decided it needed a rest and just happened to stop in the parking area of this neat little garden center, well it needed a rest poor little thing and time to digest all that gas it'd just devoured.

As I wandered aimlessly around killing time while the poor little thing got it's second breath, somehow, don't ask me how a few little pots followed me right up to the cashier so, after mulling it over for some time (two and a half seconds) I thought I'd better pay for them because if they followed me out to the truck I might get accused of trying to make off with them, right?

So a little Anacampseros lubbersii, a Echerveria 'Frosty', Fang and Lizard lips came home to live with me....and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


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