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Can citrus leaves be sunburned? Seems odd to me...

12 years ago

This season is a mess. In addition to the crazy periodic cicada issues and the lemon tree issues I have a Washington Navel Orange that is in pretty bad shape.

Some background: I went out of town for a month in early Spring and left the care of my plants to my family. Nearly everything made it out of overwintering just fine. The washington navel did not. When I left town it was fine but when I came back a whole branch had died back (this in a container on flying dragon). I assume this was a watering issue (they are not as careful about watering as I am) - but I can't be sure.

Fast forward a few months. The tree is reviving decently well. New branches are developing though the growth is all very light green - either because it is new or because it is missing N. It is in a generally weak condition. I have been treating it like all of my other citrus - 1 tsp per gallon of FP a week with added Osmocote Plus to the pot.

Yesterday it looked "normal" - I gave it a good once over - the leaves were all still light green and there were no visible insects or disease. Just the general weakened state.

Today it looks like this - *literally* one day later:


This is on quite a few leaves. This pot is sitting on a brick patio. The temperatures today are in the upper 90s with a heat index up into the 100+ range. Maybe I should also note that we had no middle ground this season. We went from temps in the upper 30s to the 90s in 1 week. This pot has been outside for about a month and a half now.

So my question is this: am I correct in assuming that sunburn has to be the explanation here? I don't see how anything else could happen so fast. The only reason I'm unsure is because of that branch die back over the winter - supposedly that happened quickly as well.

The current plan is to move the pot off the patio to a part-shade location and maybe even give it some shade cloth (which most of my citrus are going to get anyway to protect against the EVIL VILE TERRIBLE periodic cicadas that are laying eggs in them).

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