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poll: group 2 pruning/performance for z6 and colder

16 years ago

ok, i've read much sage advice on this forum from folks who find no impact to flower satisfaction from pruning group 2s as 3s in spring (they just flower later). they also recommend pruning group 2s down by 1/3 after their first flush of blooms (to promote a second flush in the fall).

now i love y'all and love your gardens! but i'm wondering for people in zone 6 and colder how these 2 pruning methods have done for you..

i've only found one useful topic about this - see link below - but it is quite dated, from 2005 (!!!) so i want to start a current discussion with those in colder zones. What group 2 pruning options do we have? And what have your experiences been from following the two pruning methods i described above?

of course i am not talking about the first few years in your garden since we all know that some tough love will create a healthier multistemmed plant. just talking generally about "what if" you decided you were fed up with group 2 versus 3 and decided to prune the whole shebang as group 3. will they all bloom together later in june or july? will some group 2s not bloom at all? "what if" you decide that after every early spring bloom of your group 2s, you'd prune them down by 1/3 fertilize and water well. is there any chance of a very late flush in september presuming we have a mild or delayed winter?

i'll start by saying i first started experimenting last year with pruning group 3s right after their spring flush. i've decided to continue experimenting with post-bloom pruning mainly because they tend to look so ugly and tired after bloom so what the heck. i did that with my ramona last june (took off 2/3) and again this year with my nelly (took off 1/2). last year ramona did not recover from the 2/3 shave, very little growth, very ugly, no second flush, but i didn't do extra watering or feeding either. this year she came back real strong multiple vigorous shoots, a small spring flush of about 20 scattered blooms peaking right about now. initially disappointed with her growth but i'm actually coming around now. will report on nelly as she progresses. i didn't prune as much off her, and i intend to water well and top dress with compost as soon as my compost pile is ready.

please everybody, post your thoughts and ramblings!

Here is a link that might be useful: prune zone 6

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