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A Little Something for MeyerMike

Mike, buddy. Haven't seen you much on the forum, I hope all is well. I thought of you this weekend when I was at the nursery outlet by my house :-) I have a new plant I picked up for a special spot in my garden that needed something "yellow" in it. I had a very pretty Talavera pot that was yellow, and I thought something yellow to go in it would be just the thing. My hubby was getting a little tired of "all the green", and really wanted some pops of color in our little patio next to the pool. So, in our big pots behind the seating group, where I've planted my two new fig trees (Violette de Bordeaux and Peter's Honey), I decided to plant a new red petunia (can't remember the cultivar name, think it's Proven Winner's Supertunia 'Giant Red', but can't swear to that. So, I needed a little pop of yellow, but needed something that could tolerate not getting watered on a regular basis. So, I decided to pick up a very pretty 'Hummel's Sunset' Jade and immediately thought of MeyerMike and his love of Jade plants. Although not a really rare variety, it is nonetheless a very pretty cultivar. Here are some photos for you to enjoy. And, to keep it citrus-related, you'll see a photo of my very tiny Ortanique tangor behind the setee. It has actually almost doubled in size (it was just a stick of a thing when I got it last year). This is my sole citrus in a container, but will be planting an Australian Finger Lime in a pot this week sometime. So, I'll be up to two container citrus, and may be asking container-related questions, no doubt!!





Patty S.

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