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Chorisia - Silk Floss Tree

12 years ago

I purchased a Chorisia some time ago. Although most of my plants are summered outdoors, I'm afraid placing this 1' plant out for fear it will burn.

The soil is well-draining, so it dries 2-3 days after watering.

It's in south and west windows, hopefully getting enough light.. Do Clorisia's need direct summer sun?

Does anyone have suggestions on potting? I read Chorisa's are trees, grow very tall.

Since it's in a container, would I be better off growing as a bonsai, 'small pot' or allowing it to grow freely? Therefore, placing in larger pots as this plant grows taller?

Hope I posted on the correct forum. The plant was bought at a succulent nursery; they don't sell tropicals.

So, I'm assuming Chorisa is a succulent tree, which is the reason I posted here.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Toni

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