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New avocado trees: will what I want match with what will work?

11 years ago

I live in Riverside County (Corona-Eastvale) and would like to add avocado trees in a raised bed along a wall in my backyard; I have about 34' here (photo enclosed). As I plan for these, I want to make sure I plan properly as I take into consideration the following questions:

SUNLIGHT - This eastern-facing wall receives sunlight, but I'm not sure if it's 6 hours since it gets blocked by the homes on either side, especially the further down the wall you get. Tom Spellman at DWN did a home consultation in July for the other newly planted fruit trees you see, and and he's said this area I've selected would be fine for the trees (I even e-mailed him again to confirm this), but I still wanted to more opinions before I invest my resources of time and money into this.

SOIL - We have poorly draining soil. I'd like to place the trees in a raised bed along the wall. I plan to put a French drain below, but can the roots flourish in a raised bed? I'd like to keep the trees smaller, but not sure if the roots will need more space; how much space do they need?

VARIETIES - After reading about their favorable taste profiles, I have interest in Jan Boyce, Kona Sharwil, Queen and Reed. (Although it appears I may be missing out on Dec/Jan for the purpose of year-round avos.) I've read positive things about Hellen, Holiday, Lamb Hass, Nimlioh and Sir Prize as well. Any suggestions considering my location?

SPACING - how much space do I need to have between trees (this will obviously determine how many trees I can successfully grow)?

COLD TEMPERATURES - considering my location, which can get down to 30-32 some nights in the winter, how should I keep this in mind in selecting varieties?

TREE SIZE - I, like Patty S., have a no ladder policy in my backyard for picking fruit; not sure if this can apply to avocado trees as well? I know this may differ from cultivar to cultivar, but how small can you realistically keep these trees?

I appreciate your insight and guidance.

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