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Sharing and Laughing at our Garden Mistakes

Do you have a funny garden mistake you're not too embarrassed to share?

Years ago, I ordered seeds of Blue Gentian (Gentiana septemfida, I believe)from a mail order company and eagerly read the germination instructions when they arrived. As per the instructions, I planted the seed and placed the pot in the refrigerator for pre-chilling. When the time was right, I pulled the pot from the fridge and waited. And waited. And waited.

One day I finally spotted a seedling emerging from the soil. I had no prior experience with how Gentian seedlings looked, but this must be what I had been waiting for. How exciting!

I babied this seedling like no other. This was, after all, a true blue flowering plant.

As the weather warmed, I transplanted my little seedling into the ground in a prominent place in my garden and continued to coddle, baby and fuss over the thing.

I was truly horrified when I finally realized the "star of my garden" was not a Gentian, it was a common weed known as Lady's Thumb (Persicaria vulgaris).

Apparently the weed seed was in the soil I had used to pot up the Gentian seeds.

I have never attempted since that time to plant Gentian from seed, but you can bet I can spot Lady's Thumb a mile away!

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