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eradicating vinca

On the East Coast, where I grew up, vinca was a charming woodland wildflower.

However, in the wilds of West Oakland, where I am trying to revive a much neglected weedy garden, vinca is an aggressive pest.

Given the chance, it will strangle out every plant in the place.

It is a favored make-out spot for snails.

And, weirdly, it smells bad.

I'm finding it very difficult to keep under control. If I try to pull it up, the plant breaks off, and leaves viable roots in the ground. It I get really stubborn, and try to dig it out, I realize how far-spread the roots really are. And even if I could get at all the roots in the garden, the person who kept the garden before me put in those inexpensive four-by-eight-foot lattice panels, and there's vinca behind the panels that I'll never be able to remove.

I don't own this property, and I don't want to dump chemicals all over the place.

Am I missing some really obvious technique for getting rid of my excess vinca?

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