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My C&S collection, pic heavy, sorry!

I've been around the houe and g/h snapping away at my c&s today and here they are...

my 4 larger 8inch or so Adenium obesums





seedling Ad. obesums


seedling Ad. arabicums


NOID Stapelias from cuttings


Agave attenuata and NOID Echeveria


Burro Tail, Sedum morganianum


Saguaro?? cactus from seed approx 15yrs old


Crassula ovata


Crassula ovata


my new Crassula addition, 'Hobbit', thanks to Nikki


Hummel's Sunset and Crosby's Compact Jades


NOID Crassula, 'Gollum' Crassula and Pink Jelly Bean..Sedum rubrotinctum


Thanks for looking.

Gill from the UK.

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