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compatibility questions, lots of pics

About the plants pictured below...

Would any of these plants be UNhappy in full sun outside?

Would any of them NOT like to be treated cactus-like regarding water?

Would any of them get too big within 6 months to be unsuitable for a mini garden (more than double their size?) Pots with multiple plants will be separated (for gifts, not sale) unless advised otherwise.

Do any look mis-labeled? I thought one might be but the others looked accurate using the predominance rule of google images with the tag names. Some ID'd thanks to the helpful folks here, thanks again!

Anything else noteworthy, I'm all ears. I've kept a jade plant looking and growing well for a year, but basically a succulent noob. These are all new plants within the past few months. TIA!


Stapelia, Haworthia (waiting for warmer nights to clean it from a storm-related incident)

NOID red one, Portulacaria & Crassula, Sedum
Haworthia, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Gasteria
Sedum, Peperomia

Echeveria, Faucaria tigrina 'Tiger Jaws'

Crassula 'Caput Minima', Pachyveria glauca 'Little Jewel'

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Echeveria compressicaulis, Senecio citriformis

Sedum rubrotinctum 'Aurora', Senecio Chalk Fingers 'Mini Blue', Graptopetalum paraguayense 'Ghosty'

Sedeveria 'Blue Elf', Graptoveria 'Titubans', Crassula marginalis rubra 'Variegata' Calico Kitten

Euphorbia tirucalli 'Firesticks'

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