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Respect It Yourself

So I did


Those wide-leaved Aloes leave me in a lather


Spikes, lines and flowers, oh my


Agave 'Blue Glow' looking as pretty as an azurish Agave can.


And doesn't the name of this Aloe (meaning 'many branched' / Aloe ramosissima) ring true - just a wonderfully pot-grown tree aloe that can't look any better)


Who doesn't like cliff-dwelling Aloes?


You can see this is a healthy hobby the whole family can obsess about - I sure wanted to hang out at that table participating in on-the-spot Aloe guidance and counseling.


This form of Aloe deltoideodonta was gifted to me by a very generous hostess and host - they've long known my slavish attention paid to the mother plant.


They're just baby Aloe karasbergensis, and already they excite the blood.


The Lazarus Aloe


A side of blue prickles and wrinkles, please.


I like to say 'Tephrocactus' like a boxing announcer would - it's really the only proper way.


There's talk of an inner glow


when one of these is in flower - I wonder if they're like IP?


Warning - Aloe relative.


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