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have: anyone up for a trade, usa only?

18 years ago

I found a deal on a grocery sack full of Gasteria species and hybrids last year. There were actually only 5 or 6 plants I was interested in but I had to buy all 20 pounds of plants in order to get the ones I wanted. I traded a lot of plants in October and early November but didn't get rid of everything.

Check the link for photos.

None of them had name tags associated with them. They are all rooted now, most were not when I got them. They came from an old grower I knew when I lived in South Florida. They were culls from his plants when he repotted, most of them were discards while selecting only vaiegated mutations. Anyway, I kept the G. armstrongii, rachyphylla,

lilliputana, pilansii, and vlokii which should probably be further divided this coming summer.

I'll take just about anything in trade for them. No plants for postage yet, but I don't plan on caring for this many plants come summer.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me get rid of these, I already have close to 30 Gasteria and I just don't feel like caring for all of these duplicate plants.



Here is a link that might be useful: My trade plants

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