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Is Peace as vigorous on its own roots?

I grew Peace years ago and mean to get it again. I've never seen it on its own roots, though. I grow quite a few hybrid teas ownroot, so I suspect it will do fine, but seeing at it was the epitome of the mid-twentieth century hybrid teas, that seemed to be bred with the expectation they would be grafted onto rootstock, I guess it's possible it could be a dud on its own. Anyone here actually grow it ownroot? I'd love your assessment if you do.

Incidentally, I bought a cheap Chicago Peace 2 years ago --you know, the body-bag waxed bareroot type. The roots looked black and chopped up. First year wasn't too impressive, but surprisingly it has grown up into a respectable healthylooking bush this year. Go figure.

The real reason for my question is that I grow all my roses in larg pots and Dr. Huey roots in particular seem to want to spread in all directions; not the best for the confines of a pot. So if Peace can be happy ownroot, I want to grow it that way.



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