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Well honey, I didn't mention my 3 new roses because...

So, anyone else in my boat? Either have both decided no more room or no more money for plants, only to decide last minute(without their knowledge) that you need those last 1-3 roses??

So browsing through the forums when I noticed a topic, offering roses after having too many successes. Glanced through the list and found one I just HAD to acquire(my home state). And still I glance through the list, finding two others I fell for. And Figure 'well hey, he may not even have them, and it won't be meant to be" A day later, two of your three choices are available, well hey, it must be meant to be!

Talk back and forth and decide on a 3rd and find out a great price(never knew postal could be low!!)

Well crap, now I gotta tell the husband! He'll notice 3 new roses, even hidden behind the tomato plants xD

So, anyone else have any similar stories? Wanna share?

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