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It works! It REALLY works!!!

Vanessa 8a
16 years ago

It's been weeks now and nothing but cold air and no heat from my compost. So this morning I got a bag of fresh cut grass from a friend. I tore into the pile thinking well I can't really go wrong and I flipped and I turned it out and BAAM steam! I put my hand down in disbelief but yes there it was STEAM! Now itÂs not hot but itÂs oh so warm.

I was jumping up and down and screaming like an idiot! My neighbor came out to ask if something was wrong with me. I simply stated "IT'S STEAMING"! She quickly went back inside with more proof that I'm crazy.

Please donÂt take me wrong, I believed everyone here. However, I can screw ANYTHING up even with step-by-step instructions. I have a black dresser right now with a brown pressed bottom drawer as I put it together backwards.

What a relief! I live alone and I can't tell you how many times I have gone to the store to make a salad only to convince myself I really didn't want any. Then let it sit there just to wait for it to rot. I have to admit they had a sale two weeks ago and I bought some lettuce just to throw in my pile =/

Thank you to all! I came to this forum to ask a simple soil question and you talked me into starting my own compost. To everyone on this that helps us out and have helped me out sorry for my most likely asking some very dumb questions.

For all you newbieÂs just like me DON'T GIVE UP!


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