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Austin's Janet revisited

In my hurry to get my new garden stuffed with roses as soon as possible I bought two Janets at a local nursery and then was dismayed when I happened upon a thread that almost universally panned that rose. Hybrid tea form, pale blossoms, stingy blooms, octopus arms, disease, general ugliness, everything bad you could think of was mentioned, and the thought was that it was a horrible mistake on David Austin's part to put this rose in commerce.

Well, imagine my surprise when my Janet turned out to be beautiful (to my eyes), had many blooms, absolutely no disease and a fairly well-shaped bush (I keep it tip-pruned). I wonder if this is one of those roses that likes dry heat and sulks in cold and/or humid climates. I'm enclosing a picture so you can form your own opinion.

A very strange thing is that the second Janet that I put against the house wall in hopes that it would climb has not had one iota of growth. Zero, nothing at all, even though it's heavily mulched and watered. The "good" Janet is less than five feet away from the "bad" one in a very hot spot. I'm enclosing a picture so you can judge for yourself. Both cameras died before I could obtain more photos.



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