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Windows7/Netscape/IE/frustration/on topic

sammy zone 7 Tulsa
12 years ago

I need to improve my computer speed, and especially my speed around this Forum.

Just when I think this forum is loaded, more ads come up, then more. I often get additional Netflix ads, and the top ad moves the entire screen up and down.

I have Vista with Internet Explorer. I am looking at Windows 7 Premium, and am once again asking about Netscape.

When I delete the cookies on the computer, I receive a prompt to save the cookies on sites on my "Favorites". That is clicked, and I leave it on. After I delete cookies, this site, Amazon, LLBean, etc all welcome me without my having to sign in. If these sites recognize me, then does that mean that Netflix, Oreos, and all the ads also recognize me? If Netflix recognizes me, and advertises on other sites, then does Netflix sell or give my information to other sites? What's the expression? (Just because you feel paranoid, doesn't mean everyone is not watching you?)

Whatever I think of, I feel behind, and think the computer world is taking advantage of me.

When my classes start in a week, my 10th grade students will come to class knowing all about me. I really feel like then entire world knows more about the computers than I do, and I don't want to become a computer tech.

If I want privacy, I have to pay the price. I don't want to sign in to every store and every site, but I don't want the sponsors to have my information. I am afraid that the more sophisticated computers will make my information even more available to vendors even though they may claim that the computers are more secure. I should trust them to take care of me ----No.

Any thoughts? Do you tend to resent the time lost to you by the loading of junk onto your computer? Do you have any idea of what is safe to delete, and what would mess up your entire computer?


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