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secret desires and fantasies

Well, we talked recently about the trees we would all plant if we had the space. What other secret [PLANT RELATED] fantasies do you have? If you had the space, optimum conditions, right zone, specific controlled conditions, or even a professional greenhouse, what type of plants would you dabble in? Something that is totally out of your comfort zone...and possibly your real one as well.

I'm sure if most people were honest they would say there is at least one group of plants they are envious some people are lucky enough to grow. The folks in the cold zones wish they could grow odd tropicals and those in hot climes wish for the cold-requiring plants like peonies and tulips. It's that all too well known "zone envy" ;-)

Have you always been lured by the beautiful and bizarre botanics of the tropics?

Maybe you would like recreate the romance of a rolling prairie with flowers and grasses?

Perhaps the big dry world of cacti and succulents is more your 'thang?

A spacious pond would be the bomb. Think of all those neat water plants!

Give me woods! Then you could plant woodland plants of course ;-)

A fantastic garden done up with gravely mounds and rocks to plant full of mini alpine wonders?

That soggy plot is what you long for, to plant with those strangely alluring carnivorous plants.

Something other perhaps???

I have my phases where I kind of want to try it all, LOL. But lately I can't help thinking how awesome it would be to have a collection of carnivorous plants. Don't ask me why. But think of how cool it would be to have a couple areas/greenhouse filled with Sarracena, Drosera, Dionaea, Cephalotus, Nepenthes, etc! They are so weird they are wonderful, LOL.

There have been times I've thought about alpines. Some are too cute for words. But knowing me these kinds of plants wouldn't hold my interest for very long...

Ps. Just throwing it out there...I've got some space that woodsy plants do well in (and they are not out of my comfort zone) but I'd love to have more room for them ;-) Hey, this is the season miracles are supposed to happen so I had to mention it LOL!!!

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