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Not allowed to the party...

Is there any plant(s) that you have decided never to add to your garden? I mean, absolutely refuse to let past the garden gate? What is the reason? Aesthetic? Invasive? Personal prejudice against a plant?

I always feel like I have to preface posts here with a disclaimer so here goes: yes I am aware that the plants I mentioned in this post are not necessarily limited to the planting scenario I have given. No, there is nothing wrong with planting them if you don't have these type themed gardens. Yes, I do think they can look great in other peoples' gardens,- I am talking about my own personal garden and own personal taste here. It is not meant as slam to those who may have it, it is simply a discussion of what appeals to you on a personal level and why. ;-)

For me:
Japanese maples. Don't get me wrong, they are gorgeous and look awesome in the right setting. Usually I've always put collection over composition when it comes to plants. If I see a cool plant I don't have I want it, regardless of whether it will look harmonious with its bed-mates. But I can't help feeling that a JM, be it red or green leaf or other, lace or broad shaped, would look strange and out of place here. I can't help seeing it as a plant for Asian, modern streamline, or woodsy type settings, where it just looks so at home.

Hibiscus, for the same reason as the JM. They are nice looking things and I wouldn't hesitate for a moment if I had a "tropical-esque" themed garden or even a single themed bed of that nature. But here? Somehow it just doesn't "jive" as my mother would say. The old fashioned ROS would look more cohesive with my existing plants perhaps, but not the big "dinner plate" hibiscus.

Green-leafed ornamental grasses. I have come to love the look of them, but think they would look weedy here. Why? Because there are periods of time when I don't get around to weeding. ;-) I tend to use colorful or variegated foliage grasses so they will stand out. Somehow I feel that the more green leafed/prairie-type grasses look infinitely better in a garden that has that naturalistic feel or is a lot tidier (*ahem* than mine, LOL).

How 'bout you guys?

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